Guests visiting the city for a longer stay can check in At Home Suites, Hyderabad. These service apartments here are perfect for business or leisure travel, making sure that guests have all the comfort and convenience they need.
<b>Location: </b>
At Home is based in Survey 9 at Whitefield, Kondapur in the city of Hyderabad.
<b>Hotel Features: </b>
At Home helps build a home-like ambience by providing services like purchase of groceries and car rentals on request, front desk, around-the-clock security, housekeeping and daily maid service. There is also a mini conference room for professional needs.
<b>Rooms: </b>
Feel at home in furnished rooms that have a kitchenette with utility-driven gadgets like a microwave oven, rice cooker, toaster and coffee maker.
<b>The apartment might be shared with other occupants in the apartment, however the rooms will be private.</b>
Hill View Guest House Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad provides guests with a homely experience. The convenient facilities, well-designed, equipped rooms and proximity to the city centre make the stay a more pleasurable one. This hotel is perfect for all travellers.
<b>Location: </b>
At close proximity to the CBD and Hitech City, the hotel is located in Prashasan Nagar, one of the most posh locales in this part of the city. Places close to the hotel include Peddamma Temple (Approx. 3km), Pearl City Church (Approx. 3km) and Kasu Brahmananda Reddy National Park (Approx. 5km). Qutb Shahi Tombs, Golconda Fort and Charminar can also be visited.
Distance from Secunderabad Railway Station: Approx 15km
Distance from Rajiv Gandhi International Airport: Approx 35km
<b>Hotel Features: </b>
Hill View offers all the basic necessities like room service, front desk, housekeeping and round-the-clock security.
<b>Rooms: </b>
The fully-furnished rooms come with mini bar, intercom, and seating with two sofas and tea tables.
<b>The apartment might be shared with other occupants in the apartment, however the rooms will be private.</b>
Located in the famous area of Jubilee Hills in Hyderabad, Hotel Uotel has nicely furnished guestrooms for the travellers.
Home cooked food is available on request and other standard facilities are also provided, for example, internet, room service and ample parking space. Places of interest in the vicinity like KBR National Park (3 km), Shri Jagannath Temple (3 km) and GVK One Mall (5 km) are easily approachable.
ذا بلازا ذو الـ 3 نجوم هي الخيار الامثل لكل من يرغب في قضاء عطلة مميزة بتكاليف بسيطة، يقع في مدينة رائعة، وبالقرب من العديد من المناطق السياحية والتاريخية المعروفة.
توفر المنشأة العديد من التسهيلات والخدمات المتميزة لتوفير كافة الاحتياجات المطلوبة وتوفير وسائل الراحه والامان للاستمتاع بوقت متميز داخل المنشأة، تحتوي المنشأة على مطعم يقدم اشهى المأكولات، صالة بار، صالة لياقة بدنية، مركز لرجال الأعمال، حافلة للتوصيل من وإلى المطار، مكتب استقبال مفتوح 24 ساعة، حديقة وتتوفرخدمة الغرف، كما تضم الغرف أسِرّة مريحة وتتميز بديكورات عصرية، مكيفات، هاتف، مكتب وحمام مزود بمستلزمات العناية الشخصية.
تقع المنشأة على بعد مسافة قريبة من حديقة ملاهي واندرلا وكذلك بالقرب من متحف سالار جونغ مما يتيح لك سهولة زيارة اشهر معالم المدينة الرائعة.
يعتبر مسجد مكة من أشهر معالم مدينة حيدر آباد حيث يقع على مائتي متر جنوب غرب تشارمينار ، وسمي بهذا الاسم حيث تم جلب الطوب من مكة لبناء القوس المركزية . بينما انتهى بناء المسجد من أورنجزيب في 1694.
وفرّ الكثير من الوقت والمال واحجز ذا بلازا بأفضل الأسعار مع فلاي ان.
مجموعه فنادق فايشنافي هو الخيار الامثل لكل من يرغب في قضاء عطلة مميزة لا تُنسي وبتكلفة معقولة، يقع في قلب المدينة بالقرب من وسط المدينة ووسائل المواصلات المختلفة لسهولة التنقل.
جميع غرف مجموعه فنادق فايشنافي تشمل كافة وسائل الراحة المطلوبة التي قد تحتاجها اثناء اقامتك، يضم اسرة مريحة ومفروشات حديثة، تلفزيون بشاشة مسطحة، مكتب للعمل، غلاية كهربائية وحمام خاص بمستلزمات حمام مجانية.
تمتع بالخدمات التي تقدمها المنشأة حيث توفر مكتب استقبال على مدار 24 ساعة، خدمة نقل من وإلى المطار (رسوم إضافية)، مرافق غسيل الملابس (رسوم إضافية) وخدمة الغرف.
يمكنك اثناء اقامتك في مجموعه فنادق فايشنافي زيارة اهم المعالم السياحية مثل حديقة ملاهي واندرلا ومتحف سالار جونغ.
وفرّ الكثير من الوقت والمال واحجز مجموعه فنادق فايشنافي بأفضل الأسعار مع فلاي ان.
يعد بيت ضيافة بروندافا من أماكن الاقامة فى مدينة حيدر آباد وتمتع بسبل الراحة داخل المنشأة.
يمتلك بيت ضيافة بروندافا سبل الترفية والاستمتاع اثناء الاقامة فى المنشأة من خلال التنوع فى تصميمات وديكورات ومفروشات الغرف لتتناسب مع مختلف الاذواق والاعمار، تحتوى الغرف على تليفزيون ، خزنة ملابس، وسائل تهوية جيدة ، حمام خاص بالعناية الشخصية ، بالاضافة الى اتاحة خدمة الانترنت بجميع انحاء المنشأة مما تسهل عملية الاتصال والتواصل مع الاهل والاصدقاء، كما تحتوى المنشأة على مطبخ به افضل الوسائل والادوات اللازمة لطهى الطعام واعداد المشروبات المتنوعة الممتازة، أقم فى بيت ضيافة بروندافا وتمتع بالخدمات الذى يقدمها لجميع النزلاء من اجل تلبية الرغبات من خلال توافر خدمة تنظيف الغرف من اجل المحافظة على نظافة المنشأة لارضاء الضيوف.
حيث يقع بيت ضيافة بروندافا فى مكان مميز وسط المدينة مما يسهل عملية الوصول الى مختلف الاماكن بالمدينة والتى تتمثل فى زيارة حديقة ملاهي واندرلا و زيارة معبد بيرلا ماندير ذلك من اجل الاستمتاع بقضاء وقت الفراغ فى التعرف على ثقافة المدينة المميزة.
لا تترد واحجز الآن بيت ضيافة بروندافا واستمتع بعروض فلاي ان.
اجنحة ريليانت - مادهابور هي الخيار الامثل لكل من يرغب في قضاء عطلة مميزة بتكاليف بسيطة، تقع في مدينة رائعة، وبالقرب من العديد من المناطق السياحية والتاريخية المعروفة.
توفر المنشأة العديد من التسهيلات والخدمات المتميزة لتوفير كافة الاحتياجات المطلوبة وتوفير وسائل الراحه والامان للاستمتاع بوقت متميز داخل المنشأة، تحتوي المنشأة على مطعم يقدم اشهى المأكولات، مركز اعمال، مكتب استقبال على مدار الساعة وخدمة الغرف، كما تضم الغرف أسِرّة مريحة وتتميز بديكورات عصرية، هاتف، مكتب وحمام مزود بمستلزمات العناية الشخصية.
تقع المنشأة على بعد مسافة قريبة من حديقة ملاهي واندرلا وكذلك بالقرب من متحف سالار جونغ مما يتيح لك سهولة زيارة اشهر معالم المدينة الرائعة.
يعتبر مسجد مكة من أشهر معالم مدينة حيدر آباد حيث يقع على مائتي متر جنوب غرب تشارمينار ، وسمي بهذا الاسم حيث تم جلب الطوب من مكة لبناء القوس المركزية . بينما انتهى بناء المسجد من أورنجزيب في 1694.
وفرّ الكثير من الوقت والمال واحجز اجنحة ريليانت - مادهابور بأفضل الأسعار مع فلاي ان.
أويو رومز كاشيجيدا إستيشن مخصص لأصحاب الذوق الراقي والاختيارات السامية، ولكل من يرغب في إقامة ملكية متكاملة بواحد من أفضل أماكن الاقامة، يتمتع مبني المنشأه بإطلالة عصرية حديثة ويطل علي المناظر الطبيعية الخلابة.
أويو رومز كاشيجيدا إستيشن يتميز بقربة من العديد من المناطق السياحية مثل قلعة غولكوندا ومسجد مكة.
أويو رومز كاشيجيدا إستيشن يوفر العديد من الخدمات الهامة ومنها منطقة جلوس، هاتف، مكتب إستقبال، موقف سيارات مجاني، صندوق أمانات، تكييف ومروحة.
وفر الكثير من الوقت والمال وإحجز أويو رومز كاشيجيدا إستيشن بأفضل العروض مع فلاي إن.
Located in the quiet neighbourhood of Abdullahpurmet, Treebo VJR is the best accommodation option you can pick during your visit to Hyderabad. The property is located very close to Ramoji Film City and has easy access to educational institutions, shopping hubs, corporate offices, tourist attractions, and restaurants. The modern property has an inventory of 34 rooms which are spread across 4 floors. All the rooms in Treebo VJR are well-maintained and adequately furnished by the skilled and hospitable staff to make sure you have the best service, experience, and comfort. The guests at Treebo VJR are also provided with an in-room breakfast of delicious South Indian cuisine. The hotel provides top-class amenities including an elevator for easy access, prompt and efficient room service, public washroom, fully-stocked pantry, and high-speed internet. Treeo VJR also has an on-site parking facility which can accommodate 18 two-wheelers and 8 four-wheelers. Treebo VJR is well-connected and accessible to all the major transit points across Hyderabad. Secunderabad Railway Station is 29 km away from the hotel and Hayath Nagar Bus Station is 11 km away. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is 40 km away from the property and one can commute via local buses or taxi/cab. Malakpet Railway Station is 24 km away from Treebo VJR and is the closest railway station. All the rooms in Treebo VJR are equipped with all the necessary amenities required for a comfortable stay including a study table with chair, air-conditioning, intercom facility, wardrobe, comfortable bed with clean and fresh linen, and a TV with DTH or cable connection. The rooms in Treebo VJR have an attached washroom which comes with fresh towels, a water heater, 24/7 supply of water, modern fixtures, and complimentary branded toiletries. Treebo VJR has easy access to many popular tourist attractions. Some popular tourist places you could visit are Buddha Statue, Borasura, Charminar, Fundustan, Ramoji Film City, Raymond’s Tomb, Nehru Zoological Park, Shilparamam, Birla Science Museum, Mecca Masjid, Qutub Shahi Tombs, Snow World, Birla Mandir, Salar Jung Museum, and Lumbini Park. Some well-known restaurants in the area are Met Bawarchi, Balaji Family Restaurant and Dhaba, Lucky Bawarchi Restaurant, and Chacha Family Dhaba. In case of a medical emergency, Aadhaar Hospital is 500 m away from Treebo VJR.
Offering complimentary breakfast, free WiFi, free toiletries and a plethora of services and amenities, Treebo Metropolis is an ideal accommodation option when visiting Hyderabad. This 3-star rated property offer 81 rooms that are categorised as Oak (Standard), Maple (Deluxe) and Mahogany (Premium) and come with amenities such as air-conditioning, intercom, a TV with DTH connection, cupboards, cosy beds, beautiful furniture and an attached bathroom. Room 512 is disabled-friendly and is suitable for guests that are differently abled. To add to this, the hotel has 4 banquet halls, a party lounge, 2 boardrooms, an in-house restaurant and is around 500 metres away from the e Secunderabad Railway Station and the Secunderabad Bus Station. Round-the-clock security, efficient room service, power backup, laundry service, an elevator for easy access, running hot and cold water and the provision of an ironing board on request are some of the many benefits that guests get to enjoy at Treebo Metropolis. The Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is the closest one to this hotel and is around 37 km away.
The neighbourhood Gachibowli in Hyderabad has earned the reputation of not only being an educational hub but a software hub as well. Premier institutes such as Indian School of Business, University of Hyderabad, and International Institute of Information Technology are located here. A good number of companies have also set up office here, and if you are travelling to Hyderabad and looking to stay in the pulse point of the city then you can consider staying at Treebo Acsys. Treebo Acsys is not only close to offices and institutes, but several restaurants, bars, hospitals, and departmental stores. The Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is located 30 km from Treebo Acsys, while the Secunderabad Railway Station is situated 20 km away. The hotel does not only occupy a convenient location but also ensures a comfortable stay for all guests. It is well suited for all travellers and provides facilities such as, an in-house multi-cuisine restaurant, a complimentary buffet breakfast for all guests, a banquet hall that can accommodate 20 people and which can be booked for business meetings, conferences, and events. The hotel also has a private cab facility, prompt room service, 24x7 security, a travel desk, on-site parking for both two wheelers and four wheelers, elevator access to all floors, free Wifi, and provisions for an iron board on request. Trebo Acsys was recently constructed and fixed with all modern amenities and fixtures. The hotel has a total inventory of 31 rooms which spread across 5 floors. The rooms have been divided into Oak (Standard), Maple (Deluxe) and Mahogany (Premium) categories. The rooms are all air-conditioned and well furnished. Guests will find a comfortable bed with fresh and clean linen, a wardrobe, a study table and chair, a TV with cable/DTH connection, a mini-fridge, and an intercom facility in their rooms. The rooms all have an attached bathroom that has 24x7 access to hot and cold water and is stocked with fresh towels and complimentary Treebo toiletries. The hotel enjoys a convenient location. The corporate offices of Tech Mahindra, Microsoft, Google, Deloitte, Dell, and HCL Technologies are all within 3 km from the hotel. Hi-Tec city is also situated only at a distance of about 3 km from the hotel. Himagiri Hospital is located only a km away from the hotel, should you require any medical assistance. Apollo Spectra Hospital, MaxCure Hospital, and CARE Hospital are the other hospitals in the vicinity. Banana Leaf Multicuisine Restaurant, Jonathan’s Kitchen, Paradise, and Radisson are a few options to try out when there. Spar Supermarket is located 2 km away for all your utility needs.
Treebo Oyster Suites is a 2-star property located in the Madhapur area of Hyderabad. This modern property has 21 rooms spread over 4 floors. The rooms are categorized into Oak (Standard), Maple (Deluxe), and Mahogany (Premium). The Hotel is located in the peaceful neighborhood of Kavuri Hills and is a great choice for accommodation. Oyster Suites provides amenities like chargeable on-demand laundry service via a third party, full-stocked pantry and round the clock security. The hotel has on-site parking for 10 two-wheelers and 2 four-wheelers and an elevator for easy access. Complimentary buffet breakfast(North-Indian or South-Indian) is provided to all the guests with an option of non-vegetarian and vegetarian food. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is the closest airport and is at a distance of 37 km from the hotel. You can avail a taxi or a cab from here to get to your destination. Hitech City Railway station is the nearest local railway station and is 7 km away from Oyster Suites. Secunderabad railway station and Kacheguda Railway Station are at a distance of 15 km and 18 km respectively. Mahatma Gandhi Bus Stand which is 18 km from this hotel is the closest local bus stand. Each room comes with a host of amenities like a TV with DTH/cable connection, air-conditioning, wardrobes, intercom facility, mini fridge, sofa chair, study table/chair, an attached bathroom with shower curtains and 24x7 hot/cold water and complimentary branded toiletries. Hotel guest can also request for a stove if need be. The hotel is located in a quiet neighborhood with a safe and relaxing environment. Hitech city and corporate offices of Zee Entertainments, IMI Mobiles and Athena Technologies are located in proximity. One can also explore the Shilparamam Crafts Village which is known for its traditional crafts and cultural shows. If you’re in the mood for shopping, food or entertainment, Inorbit Mall is less than 4 km from the hotel. The Beach House restaurant is at a walkable distance from the hotel and serves lip-smacking North-Indian, Continental, and Chinese culinary delights. Ci Gusta, Absolute Barbecue, The Little Hut, The Big Mataka, Guilt Trip and Ginger Court Restaurant are some the other restaurants close to the hotel. If you’re in need of medical attention, Image Hospital is just 1.8 km away from the property and can be easily accessed in case of emergency.
Treebo Aditya Harsha is located in a quiet neighborhood called Vinayaknagar in the metropolitan city of Hyderabad. Treebo Aditya Harsha is the perfect accommodation option for corporate travelers, businessmen, families, solo travelers, and foreigners. The hotel has its own unique charm and provides its guests the best in terms of customer service, comfort, and luxury. The modern property has 12 Oak rooms which are spread over a single floor. All the rooms in Treebo Aditya Harsha are adequately furnished and well-maintained. The hotel also has a gym which includes state-of-the-art equipment which includes treadmill, exercise bike, dumbbells, and multi-exercise sets. Treeebo Aditya Harsha also serves delicious North Indian and South Indian breakfast buffet every morning. Treebo Aditya Harsha provides plenty of on-site amenities or facilities to ensure a comfortable stay including a chargeable third-party laundry service, elevator for easy access (floors 1 to 4), provision for ironing boards, round-the-clock security, well-furnished lobby with air-conditioning, and a public washroom. Guests with local photo IDs and unmarried couples will not be accommodated in the hotel. Bringing Alcohol into the room is strictly prohibited. Treebo Aditya Harsha is connected to most of the major transit points across the city. If you prefer flying, Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is located just 31 km away from the property. For those who are traveling by trains, Secunderabad Railway Station is located just 21 km away and is connected to most cities and towns across the country. The nearest inter-city bus depot is located in Miyapur which is located 11 km away from the property premises. The closest local bus stop is Indira Nagar which is just 750 meters away. Treebo Aditya Harsha has 12 Oak rooms which are adequately furnished and is equipped with all the in-room facilities required for a comfortable stay including intercom facility, windows for natural light and air, air-conditioning, TV with cable or DTH connection, study table and chair, wardrobe (not all rooms), comfortable queen size bed/joinable twin bed, and an electric kettle with provision for making tea/coffee. The private bathroom attached to all the Oak rooms in the hotel are equipped with a water heater, complimentary Treebo toiletries, and a 24/7 supply of water. The hotel is located in a great location with easy access to tourist attractions, corporate offices, shopping malls, and educational institutions. Banjara Hills and Golkonda Fort are located less than 12 km away from Treebo Aditya Harsha. Indian School of Business which is one of the best business schools in India is located 2.7 kilometers away from the hotel. HITEC is a hub for Bioinformatics, Health Informatics, Information Technology, and Engineering is located just 5 km away from the hotel grounds. Some of the well-known eateries in the area are Hi-Tech Restaurant, 7 Eleven Restaurant, Chak De Restaurant, Holly Restaurant and Bar, Olive Garden, and Al-Saba Restaurant. SLN Terminus Mall, Inorbit Mall and Gachibowli Central is located close to the hotel and is a great place to shop. In case of an emergency, Himagiri Hospital is located just 550 m away.
Located in HITEC City, one of the major business and Information technology districts of India in Hyderabad, Treebo Rain Tree is an ideal choice of accommodation for both business and leisure travellers. The property is strategically situated opposite Max Cure Hospital in Patrika Nagar, HITEC City with easy access to restaurants, tourist attractions, corporate offices, shopping hubs, and educational institutions. The hotel has 47 rooms which are categorized into 30 Oak rooms and 17 Maple rooms, all of which are adequately furnished and well-maintained by the skilled and hospitable staff. Treebo Rain Tree makes sure you have the best experience, service, and comfort at affordable prices. The hotel has an in-house multi-cuisine restaurant named Samskrithi which serves delicious South Indian, North Indian, and Chinese with vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. The guests at Treebo Rain Tree are also provided with a breakfast buffet of delicious South Indian and Maharashtrian cuisine. The property also has an in-house banquet hall which is spread over 1700 sq. ft and can accommodate a maximum of 100 individuals The hotel provides top-class amenities including a cloakroom, elevator for easy access, travel desk, round-the-clock security, prompt and efficient room service, public washroom, private cab facility, full-stocked pantry, furnished lobby with air-conditioning, third-party laundry service, provision for ironing boards, disabled friendly wheelchair ramps, and high-speed internet. Treeo Rain Tree also has an on-site parking facility which can accommodate 2 four-wheelers and 6 two-wheelers. Treebo Rain Tree is well-connected and accessible to all the major transit points across Hyderabad. The HITEC City Metro Station is located just 1.1 km away from the hotel. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is located 32.6 km away from the property grounds. Secunderabad Junction Railway Station is 17.3 km away while HITEC City Mmts Railway Station is 4.1 km away from the property. MGBS Bus Stand Depot is 19.4 km away from Treebo Rain Tree. All the rooms in Treebo Rain Tree are equipped with all the necessary amenities required for a comfortable stay including a coffee table, sofa chair, study table with chair, luggage shelf, wardrobe, air-conditioning, TV with DTH or cable connection, clean and fresh linen, intercom facility, windows for natural air and light, and a comfortable bed. The rooms in Treebo Rain Tree have an attached washroom which comes with fresh towels, a water heater, 24/7 supply of water, modern fixtures, and complimentary branded toiletries. Treebo Rain Tree has easy access to many popular tourist attractions. Some popular tourist places you could visit are Shillararmam (1.5 km), Laxman Point (8.7 km), Buddha Statue of Hyderabad (16.4 km), White Rocks (9.7 km), Bala Hissar Door (10 km), and Golkonda Fort (10.1 km). Some well-known restaurants in the area are Subway, Paradise, Farevator Fine Dining Bar, Ohri’s Dhaba, Ohm Restaurant, Ankapura Village Military Hotel, Amara Trident, Little Italy, Mehfil Restaurant, and Flacchio Madhopur. For those who want to indulge in some shopping and entertainment, Gachibowli Central (4.6 km), Galleria Mall (1.9 km), Inorbit Mall (2.5 km), Atrium Mall (3.1 km), and Sarath City Capital Mall (4.1 km) are within a 5 km radius from the hotel. In case of a medical emergency, Maxcure Hospital is 180 m away from Treebo Rain Tree.