فندق 360 موجود في العاصمة كوتشينج الجميلة والهادئة. وهي مركز الأنشطة التجارية والتسوقية والترفيهية. تشمل تجهيزات الفندق قاعة لياقة بدنية مجهزة بالكامل في الطابق الثالث وحمام سباحة في الطابق الرابع ومقهى يقدم افطارا شاملا في الطابق 18 واتصال انترنت سلكي مجاني في الغرف ووي في مجاني في البهو ومقهى. في الطابق الثالث يمكن للنزلاء الوصول مباشرة لمركز التسوق. 03/09fw
احجز الآن
Sprawling over 25 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens set against the lush tropical rainforest of the legendary Mount Santubong, with a beach front facing the South China Sea, this club resort offers comfortable and well-appointed guestrooms and excellent international standard facilities coupled with genuine Sarawakian hospitality. All this makes it the preferred choice for holiday makers as well as meeting and convention organizers. The 4-storey resort provides 256 guest rooms and 11 suites with free parking for all guests in the hotel car park. In addition, it is air-conditioned, has a 24-hour reception, hotel safe, a currency exchange, lift, bar, dining facilities and a laundry service.
احجز الآن
مع طابع مرح بالفندق يغطى كل الأساسيات التى تتضمن سرير مريح ودش رائع ومرافق اجتماعات على أحدث طراز وخدمة مطعم وإضافات للنزلاء ممن يحبون برنامج بيست بروز الجديد أو فيل جود تريتس. 03/09fw
احجز الآن
هو الفندق السياحي الأفضل الذي يوفر الإقامة الاقتصادية ويتمتع بموقع جيد.
احجز الآن
منتجع باتانج أى لونجهاوس هو منتجع خالى من التدخين. All rooms are non-smoking. المنتجع يوفر محل إقامة معقول الثمن مع تجهيزات مثل ملعب التنس والمصح ومركز المعافاة وحمام سباحة خارجى. يمكنك أيضا استكشاف الغابة مع جولة منظمة تطلب مع فريق عمل باتانج أى الودودة. لمحبى المغامرة والطبيعة، يجب زيارة متنزه باتانج أى القومى الغير ملموس وجرب إثارة رحلات صيد الأسماك إلى المواقع المعزولة الرائعة الجمال. بالإضافة إلى أن المنتجع مكان مثير أيضا للاجتماعات وأنشطة بناء الفرق والخروجات المحفزة. غرفة فعاليات المنتجع تتسع لـ 200 شخص وفريق خبراء الفندق يوفر نطاق شاسع من الخدمات من المساعدة مع برامج أنشطة قابلة للتعديل إلى تنظيم العشاء الخاص.
احجز الآن
منتجع بيرماي الاستوائي منتجع في بيئة غابات بورنيو الاستوائية البكر على شواطئ بحر الصين الجنوبي، و عند سفح جبل Santubong. مصممة بعناية لتقليل التأثير على البيئة الطبيعية ، فإنه يوفر تجربة فريدة من نوعها في الغابات الاستوائية. منذ عام 1990، منتجع بيرماي الاستوائي مكان فريد من نوعه بهويته الخاصة الوعرة، والجمال الطبيعي دون عائق والتنوع البيولوجي الغني الرائع. مجموعة من الأنشطة الترفيهية في المنتجع و المنطقة المحيطة بها ، بدءا من رحلات الغابات ورحلات اليوم الواحد إلى الغابة لطرق الحبال العالية، والتجديف، رحلات المنغروف البحرية المسائية ومشاهدة الدلافين . هذا المكان يقدم شيئا للجميع : السلام والهدوء لأولئك الذين يريدون ببساطة الاسترخاء، ومكان خاص و متعة لتجمع الأسرة، وبيئة طبيعية منعشة لمجموعات التدريب ومكان آمن ويمكن الوصول إليها بسهولة لأولئك الذين يحبون المغامرة ويرغبون في استكشاف .
احجز الآن
وهي تناسب تمامًا رجال الأعمال والمسافرين أصحاب الذوق الرفيع الذين يبحثون عن فندق اقتصادي. والفندق عبارة عن مزيج فريد من الأماكن الراقية إذ تم تصميمه بأسلوب راقي فضلا عن الموقع الجيد القائم فيه. يمنع منعًا باتًا التدخين في الفندق. ويتوفر بالفندق تقنية Wi-Fi مجانًا.
احجز الآن
The SOMERSET GATEWAY KUCHING is a Tourist hotel. Located in City Centre area. Shopping is accessible by bus/taxi and the nightlife/restaurants are easily accessible by taxi or bus from the hotel.
احجز الآن
The Royal Mulu Resort is a Tourist hotel. Located in City Center area. Shopping is within walking distance and the nightlife/restaurants are located in the hotel.
احجز الآن
The Abell Hotel_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist, City hotel hotel. Located in City Centre area. Shopping is right next door and the nightlife/restaurants are located in the hotel.
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The Limetree Hotel_kmmy Vacation is a Tourist, Boutique hotel. Located in City Centre area. Shopping is within walking distance and the nightlife/restaurants are within walking distance from the hotel.
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The Telang Usan Hotel_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist, Art Decor hotel. Located in City Centre area. Shopping is within walking distance and the nightlife/restaurants are within walking distance from the hotel.
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The Basaga Holiday Residences_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist hotel. Located in City Center area. Shopping is accessible by bus/taxi and the nightlife/restaurants are easily accessible by taxi or bus from the hotel.
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The Kingwood Inn_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist, Business, Leisure, City hotel hotel. Located in City Centre area. Shopping is accessible by bus/taxi and the nightlife/restaurants are easily accessible by taxi or bus from the hotel.
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The Riverside Majestic_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist, Business, Leisure, City hotel hotel. Located in Riverside area. Shopping is right next door and the nightlife/restaurants are located in the hotel.
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The Grand Margherita Hotel_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist, Business, City hotel hotel. Located in City Centre area. Shopping is right next door and the nightlife/restaurants are located in the hotel.
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The Grand Continental_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist, Business, City hotel hotel. Located in City Center area. Shopping is within walking distance and the nightlife/restaurants are within walking distance from the hotel.
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The Pullman Hotel_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist, Business, City hotel hotel. Located in City Centre area. Shopping is right next door and the nightlife/restaurants are located in the hotel.
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The Planet Borneo Lodge_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist, Family Style, Lodge hotel. Located in City Center area. Shopping is within walking distance and the nightlife/restaurants are within walking distance from the hotel.
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The Woodpecker Lodge_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist, Lodge hotel. Located in City Center area. Shopping is within walking distance and the nightlife/restaurants are within walking distance from the hotel.
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The De Palma Hotel Waterfront Kuching_kimmy Vacation is a hotel. Located in Kuching area. Shopping is accessible by bus/taxi and the nightlife/restaurants are easily accessible by taxi or bus from the hotel.
احجز الآن
The Damai Puri Resort And Spa_kimmy Vacation is a Tourist, Beach Resort, Resort, Spa Resort hotel. Located in City Center area. Shopping is accessible by bus/taxi and the nightlife/restaurants are located in the hotel.
احجز الآن
The HOLIDAY INN DAMAI LAGOON is a Tourist hotel. Located in Riverside area. Shopping is accessible by bus/taxi and the nightlife/restaurants are easily accessible by taxi or bus from the hotel.
احجز الآن
This hotel, idyllically located in a lush jungle setting high in the Penrissen Mountains is ideal for anyone seeking relaxation and peace of mind. The hotel offers a wide range of activities from the magical Jungle Spa to the spectacular Hornbill Golf Course and great food at the Annah Rais Café with vegetables, fruits and herbs grown in the resort's very own organic farm. The number of guests is limited in order to maintain the highest possible standards of services and comfort. Visitors can choose from a wide range of accommodation from jungle cabins to luxurious suites, all exquisitely decorated by local craftsmen and fitted with state of the art amenities. Business travellers will also find superb facilities for corporate events and team-building exercises. Guests can relax at the spa and enjoy the wide range of leisure, meditation and recreation activities.
احجز الآن
As a limited-service hotel brand the property focuses on high quality basics- a 5-star bed and powerful showers, housed within a clean and secure environment, always located centrally, all at extremely affordable prices. It keeps costs low by eliminating the traditional hotel full service facilities like meeting rooms, swimming pools, gyms, Spas and room service.
احجز الآن
Strategically located at the hub of 3 major zones in the greater Kuching city area, this hotel appeals to every type of traveller. The hotel is located within easy access of the Kuching Central Business District, Pending Light Industrial Estate and Petra Jaya. This wonderful hotel is conveniently situated just a 15 minutes' driving distance from Kuching International Airport. The guest rooms offer space and comfort, in which to work and rest in comfort. Featuring modern amenities for added convenience, the rooms provide a peaceful home away from home. Those travelling for business purposes or conventions will appreciate the hotel's excellent services.
احجز الآن