يصنف الفندق ضمن فئة فنادق الثلاث نجوم، كما يعد أحد الفنادق السياحية الفاخرة. ويشتمل الفندق على مركز كامل التجهيزات لخدمة رجال الأعمال بالإضافة الى مجموعة متنوعة من التجهيزات الخاصة بالرياضات المائية والتي يمكنك الاختيار من بينها وتشتمل على حمام سباحة وقارب للغطس وآخر ذي قاع زجاجي. (AN Jan09)
The ALONA PALM BEACH RESORT is a Tourist hotel. Located in beach area. Shopping is accessible by bus/taxi and the nightlife/restaurants are easily accessible by taxi or bus from the hotel.
Situated in Bohol, the property is located on top a beachside cliff enamored by the warm, gracious Filipino hospitality and service within world-class facilities. Guests can experience enchanting property at once stunning and soothing dramatic yet tranquil, perfect for fun activities, or for quiet reflection.
يعتبر هذا الفندق المصنف ضمن فنادق النجمتين فندقًا سياحيًا من الدرجة الأولى. يحظى الفندق بمجموعة متنوعة من مرافق الرياضات المائية التي يمكن الاختيار من بينها، وهي تشمل حمام سباحة وحمام جاكوزي خارجي ومرافق للغوص والغطس بالشرنكل بالإضافة إلى إمكانية القيام برحلة في قارب زجاجي القاع. جيد للمسافر ذي الميزانية المحدودة. (AN Jan09)
The BOHOL BEACH CLUB is a Tourist hotel. Located in beach area. Shopping is accessible by bus/taxi and the nightlife/restaurants are easily accessible by taxi or bus from the hotel.
Sun Apartelle offers accommodation in apartment style. The rooms have air conditioning and are protected through window mosquito screens. All kitchens are fully equipped. Cable TV and DVD players are available in all apartments. The cleaning service in the apartment is 6 times a week. All bed linen will be change every 2 to 3 days. Towels (only for use in the rooms!) are exchanged on request. All apartments have hot and cold showers. The cleaning service in the apartment is 6 times a week. All bed linen will be change every 3 days. Towels (only for use in the rooms) are exchanged daily on request. Additional towels are possible for a payment. It's not allowed to bring our towels outside Sun Apartelle. Baby beds (up to 1 year of age) are gratuitously available upon request. Individual baby sitters can be organized very inexpensively.